• Adapting & managing change

Maintaining Mental Wellness During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Mental Wellness

Undoubtedly, the Coronavirus outbreak has taken a toll on our mental wellness, dominating the headlines and inundating us with minute-by-minute updates on its impact on people, governments, and societies. With the 24/7 nature of news on our social media feeds, it’s easy to feel like we’re living in an apocalyptic world.

However, while we must acknowledge the gravity of the situation, we must also prioritise our mental health and safeguard our minds against the deluge of negative news. Given that many of us still need to work during this period while simultaneously caring for and entertaining children due to school closures, it’s crucial to maintain good mental health.

Below are some essential tips to assist you in maintaining good mental health during this difficult time:

Tip 1: Limit Your News Consumption

It’s impossible to escape news about the Coronavirus outbreak; it’s pervasive in mainstream media and social media. However, subjecting yourself to 24/7 news consumption can cause undue anxiety and panic. The human mind was not built to handle such a constant onslaught of information.

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