• Finding a job
  • Managing your career

How to Get a Job with No Experience

Getting a job can be tough; trying to get one without any experience in that field can be even more daunting especially in an already crowded pool of highly skilled professionals.

It’s a classic Catch-22: you need a job to get experience, but you need the experience to get a job. This can make it seem even more impossible.

Here are some tips on how to land a job without any experience:

1. Look for internships

A good way to get experience is to look for internships or apprenticeships. Internships are popular and can last anywhere from a week to a year.

Internships and apprenticeships make it possible to earn a wage while gathering much-needed experience for your dream job.

2. Volunteer

A volunteer position is easier to get when compared to internships and apprenticeships.

Even though they are unpaid, it’s a great way to get knowledgeable about your preferred career path and boost your employability.

Volunteering shows prospective employers your commitment, initiative, and work ethics.

It’s also a way to build your transferable skills such as teamwork, confidence, time management, communication skills.

Try getting volunteer work in areas you would like to work in.

3. Build your network

When you have no experience, recommendations can go a long way. A reference from someone you know to a prospective employer can be what you need to secure a job.

You can build your network by attending career fairs, recruitment events, employment talks, and lectures.

Stay in touch with former course mates and lecturers; they might be of help at a later time.

Social media is also a great way to build your network – create and maintain your social media profiles such as LinkedIn.

4. Emphasise the skills you do have

When creating your CV, focus on skills and qualities that you have rather than the ones you don’t.

Emphasise your soft and transferable skills that relate to the job description.

Highlight examples of your dedication and commitment to learning gained through volunteering work, internships, or work shadowing.

Use AI tools like PaceAI to help with aspects of your CV like the experience section.

5. Look for realistic roles

Since you have no work experience, looking for a job as a senior manager, for example, would just be pointless.

It’s advisable to apply to more realistic roles and work your way up.

You could also try to apply speculatively, this involves creating your role based on your skillset and how you think you can use them to help the company.

Do your research and apply to companies you are interested in.